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Why We Love Florida Sunrooms for Summer

Why We Love Florida Sunrooms for Summer

What if you could enjoy the allure of the outdoors, without ever leaving the comfort of home? The sunroom has you covered—literally!

While sunrooms make for great additions all year long, they are especially suited to summertime, when we crave a cooler way to experience the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Wondering if a Florida sunroom is right for you? Just read on as we share a few of our favorite things about this versatile, all-weather feature.

Enjoy natural beauty, minus the heat

One of Florida’s greatest attributes is its year-round warmth and sunshine—but on those days when you just want to kick back, relax and indulge in some cool air (perhaps with the addition of a ceiling fan or two), a sunroom is just the solution. You can enjoy all the benefits of seeing the outdoor landscape—such as rest, improved alertness and more—while being comfortable enough to read a book, take a nap or enjoy a meal that lingers on for hours.

Watch the storm outside

Of course, Florida’s weather isn’t always bright and sunny. When summer storms roll in, your sunroom turns into a great spot for watching the weather outside—the wind, rain, one-of-a-kind cloud formations and lightning shows. Because you’re safely indoors, you can see this spectacular part of nature in a safe, comfy setting. 

Show off your plants

Your sunroom is prime real estate for your favorite houseplants—and gives you room to bring home plenty more, too. Because of all the natural sunlight, they can grow well and fill your space with fresh air and beautiful color.

Spend time with friends and family

For growing families or those who simply crave more space to entertain, a sunroom offers exactly that. Summertime is filled with weekend get-togethers and other special events, so feel free to use your sunroom as “overflow” space, or as a designated entertaining spot of its own—against the backdrop of the great outdoors, you can host special dinner parties, birthdays and more in style.

Indulge in a cozy escape

If summer keeps you busy with family vacations, camp activities and other commitments, your sunroom will serve as the ultimate cozy escape. Take a nap, read a book, or simply enjoy some quality downtime. Add plants, throw blankets and lots of pillows for an ultra-comfy retreat.

Ready to design the sunroom of your dreams? Call White Aluminum & Windows today! We’ll help custom-craft your sunroom to the look and feel of your home, so that every moment spent inside is truly special.

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